Riding the Garden City Cycle Route

A printed map of the Garden City Cycle Route with a hand-drawn notation that reads "Pilot Section" marked along one of the paths.

The Minister for Urban and Regional Development, Mr Tom Uren, will officially open the pilot bicycle path at Dickson next Wednesday […] This is part of a significant system of bicycle paths which the Commission plans to introduce throughout Canberra,” said a news release by the National Capital Development Commissions (NCDC) on 14 December 1973.

Now, the ACT Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate (TCCS) is developing the proposed Garden City Cycle Route which goes from North Watson through Downer, Dickson, Ainslie and Bradon to Civic. Pedal Power has been involved in the route selection and design details.

The Route will be a useful addition to the corridor currently void of many cycle paths as it will connect sections such the suburb Kenny to the Federal Highway into Mitchell and Gungahlin; Watson to Downer and Dickson Shops through Ainslie to Haig Park and Civic.

On Saturday 11 November 2023, Pedal Power organised and led an explanation ride along the route on behalf of TCCS. John Widdup organised and led the ride which was attended by over 60 riders. John was accompanied by Elizabeth Lowe, TCCS Project Manager and Martin Gordon, the Consultant Design Engineer for the project from RD Gossip Pty Ltd.

Along the way, the riders were given explanations of the route, the path width the proposed protected road crossings. The path is 4m wide near Civic and 3m wide elsewhere, with a couple of very short sections of 2.5m. All crossings will be raised zebra crossings, or traffic lights – existing and new.

There were many questions and everyone left with a greater understanding of the proposal.

“It has taken fifty years for this cycleway to come to fruition after the original plans by the NCDC outlined the route as part of its ‘North Canberra possible cycle paths’ when it developed and constructed the Sullivans Creek cycle path in 1973”, said John.

Currently TCCS has funds to construct the first stage from Civic to Majura Avenue. It will be constructed under three contracts starting in early 2024. The remaining work will be undertaken later.


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