
Advocate with us!

Join the Pedal Power advocacy team

There’s strength in numbers! Consider joining one of our advocacy teams. Contact to find out how we can help you improve cycling conditions.

Join the Campaigns team

For more information or to join, contact the Campaigns team coordinator.

Yes, your voice matters!

John Pucher & Ralph Buehler, authors of Cycling for Sustainable Cities, tell us local policy choices have a huge impact on cycling investment and participation. Many large increases in cycling participation have occurred because of local governments that were committed to making it happen.

Go straight to the top

The ACT is a small jurisdiction and Members of the Legislative Assembly can be relatively accessible. Your representation can make a real difference to outcomes for cycling.

Here are some tips for writing to an MLA:

  • Get to know your MLAs. The ACT Legislative Assembly website lists the MLAs and how to contact them.

  • Make sure you check details as MLAs and their portfolios can change.

  • Contact all parties. Backbench, opposition and cross bench MLAs may take up the issue with government on your behalf, particularly if it relates to their electorate or portfolio.

  • A picture is worth a thousand words. Attach a photo to make it clear what the problem is

  • Be concise. Politicians get a lot of correspondence, and brevity will help yours stand out from the crowd.

  • Be professional. Provide your name and contact details to ensure a reply.