Cycling connections

L-R: Cecily Michaels, Peter Elford and Steve Dau.

Would you like to take your bike on Canberra buses, but are nervous about using the yellow racks? You are not alone!

Our new ED Cecily Michaels recently had the unexpected opportunity to connect with a fellow cyclist and to get a lesson on how to use the bike racks at the front of ACTION buses.

“I was in Gungahlin to meet with Peter Elford, one of Pedal Power's most active volunteer advocates, to better understand the cycling issues in the Yerrabi area,” says Cecily “After wrapping up our conversation and on our way home, Peter and I noticed a bus driver on his lunch break and decided to approach him so I could have a quick lesson.  Having just moved to Canberra I was keen to learn how to load my bicycle onto the yellow racks fitted on Canberra's buses.”

The bus driver, Steve Dau, was incredibly accommodating, and showed Cecily how to load her bike correctly, using the back rack first if she is first in line, and how the lever smoothly fits over the bike wheel to secure it. Steve also demonstrated a helpful technique for holding the bike with one hand while using the other to release the rack back into position after offloading the bike at destination.

“What stood out most about meeting Steve wasn’t just his helpfulness, but the sense of community and shared passion for cycling that came through,” says Cecily “Steve revealed he’s a passionate cyclist, as is his entire family—and a proud member of Pedal Power! Once Steve realised who we were, he expressed an interest in becoming more involved as an advocate. Peter, always ready to engage a fellow cycling enthusiast, was able to connect Steve with his Pedal Power district advocate team”.

“It was such a wonderful reminder of how cycling connects us, even in unexpected places like a bus parked on the side of the road in Gunghalin!” concludes Cecily.


Pedal Power ACT

Pedal Power ACT is the largest cycling organisation in Australia’s Capital Territory.

We represent the interests of people who already ride bicycles and those who would like to.

Our organisation is social and also works consistently with local government on all bicycle riding related matters. Pedal Power ACT is all about supporting the community to be active and providing opportunities to do so.

A successful movie night!