Pedal Power welcomes active travel spending but is disappointed by the latest ACT budget


The ACT Government has just announced the 2024/25 Budget which includes a wide range of projects for Active Travel, however it is difficult to identify “shovel ready” projects for the coming year.

The allocation for 2024/25 appears to be less than the $26million committed last year.

“We welcome any spending on active travel; however, we are disappointed that this year’s spending is lower than what was allocated last year.” Says Pedal Power Board president David Whitney “If the government is serious about achieving a transport mode shift to get to its goal of 50 to 60% less emission by 2025, active travel needs to remain a priority in every budget. While some improvements have been made, we are still a very long way from enjoying the type of infrastructure we need to significantly increase active travel in the ACT.”

Furthermore, any funding is only as effective as the plan to spend it towards the implementation of specific projects and timelines are unclear in this budget.

The Active Travel Plan and Design Guides were released earlier this year, yet we are still to see a detailed plan of how it will be rolled out. While we absolutely welcome this funding, we would still like to see it positioned as part of an active travel plan that includes targets and clear timelines.

“In this budget, we welcome projects that make roads safer, improve local intersections and funding for road surfacing and increased road safety signage” explains David Whitney. “Asset renewal is vital given Canberra enviable yet ageing bicycle and shared pathway network and the investment in a new small team to undertake this work is welcome”.

Connectivity between cycle paths and road corridors is also a welcome proposal as is more vehicle speeding detection.

Encouraging Age Friendly suburbs, promoting local travel within 3 kilometres from home and restrictions to suburban speed limits may also encourage more cyclists adding to the momentum to achieve active travel goals.

The crucial question now is when these projects will be implemented.

“Other major works funded in this budget such as upgrades for Monaro Highway, Parkes Way, Athlon Drive and William Hovell Drive, the Canberra Theatre, Manuka Oval and the Convention Centre Precinct present fantastic opportunities to create cycle infrastructure to encourage active travel, but it is not clear from the budget if this aspect has been considered.

“We will continue to call for the government to prioritise active travel infrastructure so Canberrans can reap the environmental, financial and health benefits of increased active travel many other cities are already enjoying around the world.” Says David Whitney.

Pedal Power ACT

Pedal Power ACT is the largest cycling organisation in Australia’s Capital Territory.

We represent the interests of people who already ride bicycles and those who would like to.

Our organisation is social and also works consistently with local government on all bicycle riding related matters. Pedal Power ACT is all about supporting the community to be active and providing opportunities to do so.

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